Deva Studios (2013)
Theatrical Trailer Title Design
Cinema 4D, After Effects, Illustrator
These graphics where created for the teaser and theatrical trailers for the 2013 feature film Gravity, starring Sandra Bullock. All trailer graphics where created in sterescopic 3D. This deep-space thriller earned itself 7 Oscars, including best director.
Theatrical Trailer Title Design
Cinema 4D, After Effects, Illustrator
These graphics where created for the teaser and theatrical trailers for the 2013 feature film Gravity, starring Sandra Bullock. All trailer graphics where created in sterescopic 3D. This deep-space thriller earned itself 7 Oscars, including best director.

Executive Producer: John Busenberg
Creative Director: Suppasak Viboonlarp
Design / Animation: Jacob Gilbreath
Executive Producer: John Busenberg
Creative Director: Suppasak Viboonlarp
Design / Animation: Jacob Gilbreath